心安之处即是家/ 惠州直君御私宅


心安之处即是家/ 惠州直君御私宅




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   设计单位:源品设计研究( 深圳)有限公司


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   项目面积:180 平方米

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   设计时间:2021 年4 月

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   完成时间:2022 年7 月





“No man is an island,entire of itself;every man is a piece of the continent,a part of the main.”—John Donne



▼ 空间概览,overall view of the space



Life is like a piece of ice floe. No matter how many twists and turns and torrents we experience under our feet, soft and rich emotions, such as twinkling light, bring us to the promised place, where there are poetry and romance, new life, the pleasure of indulging in life, and unexpected freedom. 



▼ 空间模型概览


▼ 玄关,entrance




The designer takes sunshine and nature as the theme, breaks the tradition, leaves a large area blank, decorates the space with the most simple materials, such as wood and art paint, with more warm touch,​restrains the desire for material, makes the body feel natural, and makes the mind feel happy.



▼ 客厅模型,living room mod


▼ 客厅,living room



▼ 电视背景墙,TV wall 


▼ 客厅细节,living room detailed view




Residence has the attribute of highly private customization. Although with the completion of design and construction, the balance state of “home” has been continuously and continuously improved. It​ periodically changes the existing position or replaces and adds new objects. This unfinished growth process is closely related to the activities of the owner, and it is also an important factor for the owner to​ participate in and endow the space with exuberant vitality and vitality.



▼ 原阳台区域打通改造为西厨就餐区及男主人的开放式书房,岛台下方延续格子元素做成书柜。

The original balcony area is transformed into the western kitchen dining area and the open study of the host. Under the island, the continuous lattice element is made into a bookcase.

▼ 西厨及就餐区,dining area


▼ 中厨,kitchen



The dining room is a continuation of the public space and also a place for family members to exchange feelings. The communication between people in the space happens anytime and anywhere. The warm​ wooden furniture and background are colored with honey because of time. The lively gathering and the warm heart when eating around the table bring people back to reality through interactive experience.​ The body is used as the perception medium to establish emotional contact with self, others and the environment. The kitchen is adjacent to the dining room, continuing the design of the overall space,​focusing on functions in design, and close to the dining room, so that food can be delivered to the family at the first time.



▼ 工作区域,workspace


▼ 主卧室模型,master bedroom


▼ 主卧室,master bedroom


▼ 主卧细节,master bedroom




"The extension of living art is the art of life." The description in the designer's pen is both the form of art and the form of life. Only by relaxing and limited space can users get away from their busy lives and

slowly connect their bodies with the peaceful spiritual space.



▼ 主卫,toilet


▼ 洗漱台细部,detail of the washstand




Compared with adults, they are always enthusiastic about new homes. A new room does not seem to be so attractive to children. The designer adds low saturated powder to the color and combines the roof​ and round hole design elements to create a childlike atmosphere, leaving as much space as possible for fun.


▼ 儿童房,children’s room


▼ 客房,guest room


▼ 步入式衣帽间增加储物空间。Add storage in walk-in closet.


▼ 客卫,toilet


▼ 长辈房,elder room


▼ 平面图,plan
